
Build Reuse - General

  NY Environmental Bond Act - Public Comments on Project Ideas

Original email from Justin Green (Big Reuse):

"The NY Environmental Bond Act sets aside up to $250million to purchase and remove homes  in the way of repeat flooding.  There is an opportunity to require deconstruction.  The DOT Commissioner Dominguez responded positively to the idea when we talked about it during the recent listening tour.  

It would be useful if folks could provide comments requiring deconstruction on the properties purchased under the bond act - both for job creation and climate impact. 

On November 8, 2022, New Yorkers overwhelmingly approved a ballot proposition to make $4.2 billion available for environmental and community projects. 

You can provide comments here.

The online survey to share your comments ideas for how the Bond Act could help improve communities across the state remains available. Please share initial project ideas at  The survey will remain open until September 15.

  2023-2024 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Solicitation Informational Webinar on June 6

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites you to participate in the 2023-2024 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Solicitation Informational Webinar on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EDT

Register Now!
Registration for the 2023-2024 SBIR solicitation webinar is free.  

Join us for an informational webinar on EPA’s 2023-2024 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I solicitation. Learn about EPA’s SBIR program, this year’s solicitation topics, and how to apply for an SBIR contract. EPA SBIR program experts will be available to answer questions following the presentation.

EPA’s 2023-2024 SBIR Phase I solicitation is anticipated to open in June 2023. The solicitation purpose is to support eligible small businesses in the development and commercialization of innovative environmental technologies. EPA is one of 11 federal agencies that participate in the SBIR Program as a result of the Small Business Innovation Development Act of 1982. With this solicitation, EPA is calling for small businesses to apply for Phase I awards of up to $100,000 to demonstrate proof of concept in one of this year’s SBIR solicitation topics (listed below). Successful Phase I awardees are eligible to receive Phase II funding, up to $400,000 for two years, through an additional application process.
Webinar Objectives
  • Review topics anticipated in the upcoming 2023-2024 SBIR Phase I solicitation
  • Learn about the federal SBIR Program and EPA’s SBIR Program
  • Review administrative, submission, eligibility and proposal evaluation processes
  • Share frequently asked questions
Proposed Research Topics for the 2023-2024 Solicitation:

Clean and Safe Water
  • Zero-liquid discharge and brine concentrate minimization
  • Treatment and destruction of PFAS in wastewater and other waste streams
  • Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) sensors that can monitor cyanobacteria and toxins
Air Quality & Climate
  • Innovative technologies to clean indoor air during wildfire smoke events and other high pollution days
  • Air pollution control technologies for urban small sources
  • Innovations in slurry injection technology for complex waste treatment and disposal
Homeland Security
  • AI-based indoor mapping and localization using smartphone sensor data
Circular Economy/Sustainable Materials
  • Innovative technologies that help consumers prevent food waste in the acquisition, preparation, and storage of food
  • Innovative technologies or materials that will improve the U.S. recycling system
  • Innovative material reduction and reuse solutions to lower embodied carbon in the built environment
Safer Chemicals
  • Rubber anti-degradant technologies for tires and other rubber products that are lower concern for human health and the environment
  • Innovative enhanced efficiency fertilizers

For more information on EPA’s SBIR program and funding opportunities:

Learn more about the federal SBIR program:

  New Loops Capstone - In-person event on June 15th

Join the 2022-2023 Forefront Fellows to explore new approaches to waste that support our health, climate, and communities.

Sustainable waste systems are essential to healthy neighborhoods. Caring for our public spaces supports community connection and wellbeing. Microhauling and composting businesses can create local jobs. Building design choices can support diversion from the landfill. Collective action and creative strategies can propel New York City towards a circular system.

Following a year of immersive research, Forefront Fellows will present original projects on diverting waste at restaurants; fostering pathways to local circular jobs; investing in decentralized waste infrastructure; and reclaiming underutilized spaces for local community exchanges. Fellows will also debut research on residential waste management, developed in partnership with the Department of Sanitation.

How can New York transform its waste system to clean up our public spaces, promote materials reuse, and support local solutions?

When: June 15th, 20236:00pm - 8:00pm

Where: Manny Cantor Center Rooftop197 East Broadway, New York, NY, USA

  Deconstruction training opportunity this summer

"This summer, Schenectady County Historical Society (SCHS) is partnering with Re:Purpose Savannah to provide a unique opportunity to learn the trade of deconstruction with a hands-on experience in Rotterdam Junction, NY. Led by the team at RePurpose Savannah, participants will learn the skills for harvesting reusable materials from a real life demo project. We will fully deconstruct a c. 1810 home, beams and all, and learn useful techniques for how to handle materials, employ proper safety procedures, what tools to use for what, and more."

Session 1: July 10 – July 14
Session 2: July 17 – July 21


  Federation of New York Solid Waste Conference with Trade Show - May 2023

Early Registration: April 21st

  • 2 1/2 Days of Presentations
  • Over 75 Technical Sessions
  • 700 Attendees from 23 States & Canada
  • Adirondack Mountain Setting with Luxurious Accommodations
  • Comprehensive Industry Update
  • Educational Trade Show
  • Recreational Activities
  • Networking and much more…


  NYSAR3 Annual Conference & Trade Show - Nov 2023

"Annual Conference & Trade Show

Join Us November 14-16, 2023!
The 34th Annual Conference & Trade Show
Otesaga Resort Hotel, Cooperstown, NY
NYSAR3 is pleased to offer our membership and networks the opportunity to continue expanding their knowledge and receive pertinent information with regards to our industry.
  • NYSAR3 members receive discounted conference rates (average savings of $50 per registration)
  • Early Bird Sale To Be Announced
Registration Will Open Soon!

Keep an eye out for our Early-Bird Registration announcements late this Summer!"


  Ulster Reuse Innovation Center Stakeholder Update and May Workshop

"Ulster Reuse Innovation Center Stakeholder Update and May Workshop

Dear Colleagues -

We are glad to bring you a mid-Spring update on the Ulster County Reuse Innovation Center Feasibility Study and Strategic Plan. We're excited to be working with ReUse Consulting. Our team has been busy diving into the data collection and analysis that will provide you, the project stakeholders, with information to support planning for a Reuse Innovation Center. From our investigation of the waste streams in Ulster County and current diversion activity, to the possibilities for reuse-based businesses, we have some light reading for you! 

Read Characterization of the Ulster County Waste Stream draft here.

Read Identification and Analysis of Waste Diversion Programs and Activities draft here.

On May 23, 2023 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., find out what we've learned toward creating a Reuse Innovation Center where a diverse range of reclaimed, good quality items can be re-sold, repaired or turned into other materials of value, and building the circular economy in our region.

In-depth Zoom presentation:

11:30 - noon Project Overview

Noon - 12:40. Presentation of Findings - Waste Characterization and Diversion Program Opportunities

12:40 - 1:00. Lively discussion

Sign up free here!

Reuse and resale are expanding segments of the economy. In fashion, for example , the resale market internationally is projected to be worth $77 billion by 2026 and is growing 11 times faster than traditional clothing retail.  The volume of reusable materials going through Ulster County’s collection system is quite sufficient for a RIC, especially when combined with the volume handled by private haulers and what is already going into the circular economy, from the furniture sold at the Habitat ReStore, Zaborski’s and other popular spots, to the construction and demolition debris turned into mulch and landscaping products at Taylor Recycling, to hundreds of pallets collected for reuse at Hurd’s Farm. Reuse businesses are located all around Ulster County, already – encouraging for the feasibility of the proposed RIC.  


  Turn Trash into Triumph – Ignite Your City's Deconstruction Revolution Now Webinar + Workshop

"Dear ReUse Community,

We would like to share two upcoming events from our friends at ReCapturit.

The first event is their free webinar on Thursday, May 4th at 11:00 AM PDT. This panel discussion features two women experts in two major American cities, Detroit, Michigan and San Antonio, Texas. Madison Kraus is the Director of Recycling in Detroit and Stephanie Phillips is the Deconstruction & Circular Economy Program Manager at City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation. This will be energetic and informative. Here is where to register and find out more:  Turn Trash into Triumph – Ignite Your City's Deconstruction Revolution Now Tickets, Thu, May 4, 2023 at 11:00 AM | Eventbrite

Next is a deeper dive into what resources and efforts this requires. They have built a 2-1/2 hour online workshop that gives context, terminology, resources, and then helps officials communicate the benefits of deconstruction to stakeholder groups in their regions. They even do role-playing! The workshop is May 18th at 10:00 AM PDT. Details and registration are here: 7 Must-Know Steps to Begin to Bring Deconstruction to Your City or County Tickets, Thu, May 18, 2023 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite

Thank you,

Larry LaMotte

Founder / CEO, ReCapturIt®"

  Outreach for AmeriCorps Opportunities for Ten-Month Engagement with NYC DDC and Other City Agencies for 2023-2024

"Dear Town+Gown Members, 

Town+Gown:NYC is conducting recruitment outreach, on behalf of NYC DDC, for its first engagement with the AmeriCorps program.  NYC DDC has openings for two positions for our Workforce Development project engagement with City Service Corps, an AmeriCorps program launched in 2015 by NYC Service, a division of the Mayor’s office.  Town+Gown members, including recent graduates who have worked on experiential learning projects in Town+Gown, may be interested in these AmeriCorps opportunities themselves, and our academic and practitioner members may know people who would be interested.

City Service Corps recruits individuals who qualify to serve full-time from September 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 at City agency host sites.  The agency host sites support and supervise Members serving on agencies' high-impact service projects in impact areas addressing critical capacity and community-related issues.

Selected AmeriCorps Members working at NYC DDC (and other NYC agency hosts) will be paid a stipend during the 10-month service term, and receive monthly MetroCards, an education award valued at $4,826 at the end of their service term, City government exposure, and a host of other benefits.

If you are interested in these opportunities, applications are now open and will be accepted until June 30, 2023.  Please apply to

Please forward this email to anyone you think might be interested in learning about this opportunity.

NYC DDC’s AmeriCorps project, for which up to two (2) Members can be accepted, is about workforce development in the construction industry.  During this 10-month service term with NYC DDC, the AmeriCorps Members will conduct NYC-based construction industry market research to identify industry stakeholders and interview them for their insights into developing pathways in construction for high school students, with special focus on the education and experiences requirements for construction jobs. The Members will research up and coming skills trades that require a high school diploma or equivalent, accounting or finance background, project management, architecture, or engineering experience.  In addition, the Members will conduct research into the “green” construction job segment of the construction industry, including but not limited to “green” construction practices, manufacture of low carbon construction materials, and recovery and re-use of construction and demolition waste in manufacturing of new materials with embodied carbon.

To see the entire NYC DDC posting, Please click on

In addition to NYC DDC’s posting, there are postings from 14 other city agencies, some with multiple projects, at

Thank you!

Terri Matthews, Director, Town+Gown:NYC @ NYC DDC"

  NYS Green Bank Community Decarbonization Fund

Community Decarbonization Fund

Infrastructure Financing Focused on Disadvantaged Communities

"NY Green Bank is pleased to announce the launch of a $250 million Community Decarbonization Fund (CDF) and encourages Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and other specialty lenders to apply for this highly concessionary funding pathway to deliver climate justice to residents of disadvantaged communities (DACs). The CDF is expected to expand and accelerate the lending capacity of smaller community-based and mission-driven investors by channeling financing into sustainable infrastructure projects that benefit historically marginalized communities.  

How It Works

The CDF is a wholesale lending pathway available to CDFIs and mission-driven lenders to enable them to provide more capital to eligible projects benefitting residents of disadvantaged communities. The fund gives applicants significant flexibility in the form of a 12-year loan to work with community owners and climate advocates to identify funding opportunities that meet greenhouse gas reduction goals.

The CDF is also designed with flexible sizing parameters. Financing will be available at a minimum of $2 million to a maximum of the lesser of (i) $25 million or (ii) 20% of an eligible applicant’s total capitalization."

More info here:

  Ithaca's CR0WD network hosting monthly webinar series on decon and reuse

Free registration! Speakers represent deconstruction/reuse initiatives from across the US.

See link here to register:

  DEC Solid Waste Management Plan - Public comment period extended to June 14

"Draft New York State Solid Waste Management Plan: Building the Circular Economy Through Sustainable Materials Management (2023 - 2032)

To protect communities and mitigate the effects of climate change, the New York State Solid Waste Management Plan (Plan) builds upon sustained efforts to reduce waste and advance the state's transition to a circular economy, helping to change New Yorkers' understanding of waste and their relationship to it. The Plan intends to guide actions over the next decade, from the beginning of 2023 to the end of 2032, and builds upon the State's 2010 Beyond Waste Plan.

The Plan sets forth six major Focus Areas with goals and action items to move the circular economy and materials management industry forward in New York State:

  • Waste Prevention, Reduction, and Reuse
  • Recycling and Recycling Market Development and Resiliency
  • Product Stewardship and Extended Producer Responsibility
  • Organics Reduction and Recycling
  • Toxics in Products
  • Design and Operation of Solid Waste Management Facilities and Related Activities"

See link here for more info:

  Town+Gown seeks your research project ideas for 2023-2024!

From Terri Matthews (NYC Department of Design and Construction / Director of Town + Gown NYC) in a 4/28 email: 

"Dear Town+Gown:edu Members,

As 2022-2023 comes to a close, Town+Gown:NYC is putting the next Research Agenda together, which we will post on the webpage and send to academic institutions this summer, as part of our effort to be the experiential programs' "go to" resource when they develop their projects each semester.

We are sending this email to our academic members in case you have project ideas for your experiential learning program (e.g., capstones, studios, workshops) or classes so that we can connect them to our practitioner members before school begins next academic year.  To begin this process, it only has to be an idea--we can work together to flesh out your ideas.

Please email Terri Matthews, Director, Town+Gown:NYC at as soon as you are able with  your project ideas. 

The "deadline" to enable production of the new Research Agenda for posting to the Town+Gown webpage will be June 2nd, but in reality there is no deadline because we can always add a project to the Research Agenda and re-post it.  Town+Gown's matching process happens all year anyway as ideas arrive.  But if you want to have practitioner partners on board early, please send your ideas now."

Original email here:

Town+Gown seeks your research project ideas for 2023-2024!.pdf (137.04 KB)

  Job opening: Minnesota Life Cycle Assessment Specialist - Research Scientist 3

From Melissa Wenzel (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) on 4/28:

"The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has a job opening that I thought you would like to know about. We’re hiring a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) position; an opportunity that is extremely unique, specialized, and in my opinion, desperately needed. And this position will get to work with me a bit! (-:

We’ve gotten very few applications in the past and the position got reposted. So I’m directly and deliberately sharing it with those that either might be interested or might know others who might want to know about this job opportunity. Please feel free to share to interested others.

Life Cycle Assessment Specialist - Research Scientist 3. This position is responsible for developing the research procedures and techniques associated with determining the life-cycle impacts of a product or material and making management recommendations. The secondary purpose is to serve as the Resource Management and Assistance Division’s (RMAD) technical expert on LCA. Salary Range: $33.30 - $49.53 / hourly; $69,530 - $103,418 / annually."

See original email here:

Job opening_ Minnesota Life Cycle Assessment Specialist - Research Scientist 3!.pdf (137.22 KB)

  EPA RFI for new IRA programs to reduce embodied carbon

The EPA has released an RFI for new IRA programs to reduce the embodied GHG emissions of construction materials and products. Comments on the RFI are due May 1, 2023.