Special thanks to Timonie Hood and her Bay Area Deconstruction Workgroup newsletter for the below information!
*** Pay special attention to the asterisked opportunities because they are applicable to businesses, not just municipalities, etc.
- *** DOE AMMTO The Ciruclar Supply Chains Acclerator
- AMMTO = Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office
- "The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced up to $12.5 million to establish a multi-year effort to accelerate the deployment of technologies to improve product and material circularity in support of secure and sustainable supply chains. The envisioned accelerator will conduct system-level analyses and facilitate collaboration across industries to catalyze learning and increase the impact of Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) investments."
- Eligible entities: Institutions of higher education; For-profit organization; Nonprofit organization; State and local governmental entities; and Indian Tribes
- One-time program vs. annual: [Unclear from publicly posted info.]
- Status:
- Submission Deadline for Concept Papers: March 31, 2025 at 5 p.m. ET
- Submission Deadline for Full Applications: July 18, 2025 at 5 p.m. ET
- Expected Date for EERE Selection Notification: November 2025
- Expected Timeframe for Award Negotiations: February 2026
- Link to more info:
- *** DOE AMMTO Smart Manufacturing Technologies for Material and Process Innovation - Topic 1: Smart Manufacturing for a Circular Economy
- AMMTO = Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office
- This topic focuses on smart manufacturing solutions that increase the viability of circular supply chains (Re-X pathways), such as recycling, repairing, remanufacturing, and reuse, by improving their efficiency and economics. This includes:
- Area of Interest 1: Smart Manufacturing Technologies for Improved Sorting and Characterization.
- Area of Interest 2: Interoperable and Open Supply Chains for Expanded Re-X (reuse, repair, refurbish, remanufacture, or repurpose).
- Area of Interest 3. Improved Data Transparency for Accurate Lifecycle Assessments.
- Eligible entities: Institutions of higher education; For-profit entities; Nonprofit entities; State and local governmental entities; and Indian Tribes
- One-time program vs. annual: [Unclear from publicly posted info.]
- Status:
- Full Application Reviewer Comments Period: 1/7/2025 5:00 PM ET – 1/14/2025 5:00 PM ET
- Link to more info: https://www.energy.gov/eere/ammto/articles/33-million-funding-available-advance-smart-manufacturing-technologies-help
- *** EPA SBIR Program
- *** US DOE Re-X Before Recycling Prize
- Purpose: "This three-phase competition is designed to develop innovative ways to extend the lifetimes of products or parts via re-using, repairing, refurbishing, remanufacturing, or repurposing (“Re-X”) before recycling."
- Eligible entities: Participants for Phase 2 can include winners and nonwinners from Phase 1: Identify! as well as new competitors. Must be private entities or nonfederal government entities. Individuals or groups of individuals are not
eligible to compete. - One-time program vs. annual: So far one time; TBD if annual.
- Status:
- Phase 2 submission deadline was October 16, 2024.
- Link to more info: https://www.herox.com/ReXBeforeRecycling
- *** EPA Community Change Grants
- Purpose: Funds "environmental and climate justice activities to benefit disadvantaged communities through projects that reduce pollution, increase community climate resilience, and build community capacity to address environmental and climate justice challenges."
- Eligible entities:
- A partnership between at least two community-based non-profit organizations (CBOs).
- A partnership between a CBO and one or any combination of the following:
- a Federally-Recognized Tribe
- a local government
- an institution of higher education.
- Status: The Community Change Grants NOFO is now open; deadline to apply is November 21, 2024.
- Link to more info: https://www.epa.gov/inflation-reduction-act/inflation-reduction-act-community-change-grants-program
- NOAA Climate-Ready Workforce
- Purpose: To "establish programs aimed at at placing people across the country into good jobs that advance climate resilience and assist employers in developing a 21st-century workforce that is climate literate, informed by climate resilience and skilled at addressing consequent challenges."
- Eligible entities: State, tribal, territorial and local governments, institutions of higher education, and non-profit organizations in coastal states or territories.
- Status: Full proposals were due Feb. 13, 2024.
- Link to more info: https://www.noaa.gov/inflation-reduction-act/inflation-reduction-act-climate-ready-coasts-and-communities/climate-ready-workforce
- EPA P2 and SRA Grants
- Purpose:
- P2 = Pollution Prevention
- Pollution Prevention (P2) grants fund state and tribal programs to provide technical assistance to businesses to help them learn about and adopt source reduction practices."
- SRA = Source Reduction Assistance
- Eligible entities: States, state entities (colleges and universities recognized as instrumentalities of the state), the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, any territory or possession of the U.S., and federally recognized tribes and intertribal consortia.
- Status: "On October 12th the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the selection of 24 recipients across the country that will receive nearly $16 million in pollution prevention (P2) grants..."
- Link to more info:
- USDA Rural Development Solid Waste Management Grants
- Purpose: Supports organizations in small communities provide technical assistance or training to improve management of solid waste sites.
- Eligible entities: Rural areas and towns with a population of 10,000 or less. Public bodies, nonprofits, federally recognized tribes, and academic institutions (see link below for more detail).
- Status: Opens Oct. 1 and closes Dec. 1 (annually)
- Link to more info: https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/water-environmental-programs/solid-waste-management-grants
- EPA Environmental Education Grants
- Purpose: Fund locally-focused environmental education grants for projects that design, demonstrate, and/or disseminate environmental education practices, methods, or techniques, that will serve to increase environmental literacy and encourage behavior that will benefit the environment in local communities, especially in underserved communities.
- Eligible entities: Local education agency, state education or environmental agency, college or university, non-profit organization, noncommercial educational broadcasting entity, tribal education agency.
- Status: Applications were due 11/8/23.
- Link to more info: https://www.epa.gov/education/grants
- EPA EPP Program - Lower Embodied Carbon of Construction Materials Grant Opportunity
- Purpose:
- EPP = Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program
- "Provide funding... for developing and verifying Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and to States, Indian Tribes, and nonprofit organizations supporting such businesses."
- Eligible entities: Businesses that manufacture, remanufacture, and refurbish construction materials and products
- Status: Applications were due 01/16/24.
- Link to more info:
- EPA SWIFR Grants for Communities
- Purpose:
- SWIFR = Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling
- Projects funded through the funding opportunity will focus on building a circular economy, local post-consumer materials management programs (including municipal recycling) an make improvements to local waste management systems.
- Eligible entities: Counties, cities, towns, parishes, and similar units of governments that have executive and legislative functions.
- Status: "On September 13, 2023, EPA announced 25 selectees for the Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Grants for Communities." Three reuse projects have been awarded (see below).
- Links to more info:
- EPA EJ TCGM Program
- EPA CPRG Program
- Purpose:
- CPRG = Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
- Aim is to provide funding for local greenhouse gas reduction effort with a focus on electricity generation, commercial and residential buildings, and waste and materials management
- Two phases: (1) planning grants; (2) implementation grants
- Eligible entities: There are two competitions for CPRG implementation grants
- A general competition for applications from states, municipalities, tribes, tribal consortia, and territories, and
- A competition only for tribes, tribal consortia, and territories.
- Status (Planning Grant)
- Note that 46 of the 50 states are applying for the Planning Grant.
- Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) due March 1, 2024 for states and Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) and due April 1, 2024 for tribes, tribal consortia, and territories)
- Comprehensive Climate Action Plan due two years after planning grant award, or approximately mid-2025 for states and MSAs) and due at the close of the grant period for tribes, tribal consortia, and territories.
- State and MSA grantees must also submit a Status Report at the end of the 4-year grant period (approximately mid-2027).
- Status (Implementation Grant):
- For the general competition - Application deadline was April 1, 2024.
- For the tribes and territories competition - Application deadline was May 1, 2024.
- Links to more info:
- Link to webinar slides: CAP Decon Reuse FINAL 4_3_23.pdf (19.14 MB)
- Purpose:
- GGRF = Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
- Aim is to deliver lower costs on the below projects and to promote economic revitalization
- Will be comprised of three grant competitions
- National Clean Investment Fund - Clean tech, energy independence
- Clean Communities Investment Accelerator - Clean finance for credit unions, green banks, housing finance agencies, etc., for low-income and disadvantaged communities
- Solar for All - Solar projects and technical assistance for low-income and disadvantaged communities
- Eligible entities:
- National Clean Investment Fund - National nonprofits that will partner with private capital providers
- Clean Communities Investment Accelerator - Hub nonprofits
- Solar for All - States, tribal gov'ts, municipalities, nonprofits; ultimately funding will go to nonprofits who partner with credit unions, green banks, housing finance agencies, etc.
- Status:
- National Clean Investment Fund - Applications were due on October 12, 2023.
- Clean Communities Investment Accelerator - Applications were due on October 12, 2023.
- Solar for All - Mandatory NOIs were due in July/August 2023.
- Link to more info: https://www.epa.gov/greenhouse-gas-reduction-fund
- EPA Brownfields Program
- Purpose:
- Aim is to provide funding for brownfields assessments, cleanup, revolving loans, environmental job training
- Eligible entities: Various - check "Types of EPA Brownfield Grant Funding" section of the Brownfields Program page on the EPA website
- Status: Ongoing - check "Open Solicitations" section of the Brownfields Program page on the EPA website
- Link to more info: https://www.epa.gov/brownfields
Other Resources: