Build Reuse - General


(Deleted) How to Develop Reuse Policies/Programs

Design Follows Availability: Affordable Dwelling Units Based on Reclaimed Materials in San Antonio (2023)

  • Developed by: "This report was prepared by Dr. Bastian Wibranek, Assistant Professor at the UTSA School of Architecture and Planning. Funding for the study was provided by the Office of Innovation’s Research and Development (R&D) Program."
  • Description: "This report:
    • Addresses the central question: How can the City’s Material Innovation Center facilitate the development of a Salvage-to-ADU pipeline and influence related housing development policies?
    • Investigates and assesses pertinent technologies that can facilitate the use of reclaimed materials in the design and construction of ADUs in San Antonio
    • Examines the lifecycle of salvaged materials from design phase to construction in specific research applications

    • Explores the various array of available local reclaimed materials and their impact on the design process

    • Assesses the design, planning, and construction of medium-scale architectural models for ADUs from reclaimed materials

    • Provides findings and recommendations to scale reuse of reclaimed materials in housing applications in San Antonio"

  • Link:

(Deleted) How to Develop Reuse Policies/Programs

Design Follows Availability: Affordable Dwelling Units Based on Reclaimed Materials in San Antonio (2023)

  • Developed by: "This report was prepared by Dr. Bastian Wibranek, Assistant Professor at the UTSA School of Architecture and Planning. Funding for the study was provided by the Office of Innovation’s Research and Development (R&D) Program."
  • Description: "This report:
    • Addresses the central question: How can the City’s Material Innovation Center facilitate the development of a Salvage-to-ADU pipeline and influence related housing development policies?
    • Investigates and assesses pertinent technologies that can facilitate the use of reclaimed materials in the design and construction of ADUs in San Antonio
    • Examines the lifecycle of salvaged materials from design phase to construction in specific research applications

    • Explores the various array of available local reclaimed materials and their impact on the design process

    • Assesses the design, planning, and construction of medium-scale architectural models for ADUs from reclaimed materials

    • Provides findings and recommendations to scale reuse of reclaimed materials in housing applications in San Antonio"

  • Link: